Have you experienced credit problems in the past? You'd like to benefit from a reliable and professional auto credit service to help you purchase your next vehicle hassle-free? We can help! At Montmorency Ford, each individual is unique, and we're sensitive to the human aspect of every car financing request.
You can make a credit request today by filling out our secure online credit application. Please be sure to make answers as complete as possible. We will contact you when the request is received, and will contact you without delay so you can lease or purchase the new vehicle you are looking for!
Your bad credit is now a thing of the past, and the best is yet to come. If you are without a credit history, a good start is waiting for you at Montmorency Ford!
You can make your request online here, or call at 1 866 669-1948.
Application Criteria
- Older than 18 years old
- Stable job
- Canadian citizen and Quebec resident
- Valid driver's licence
- Discharged or not of all bankruptcy